BITS & Pieces

(Her Say)--The quote of the week cumes from White House Advisor Midge Constanza. Constanza, who differs sharply with President Carter over abortion matters, told a Denver audience last week where she thought the abortion issue was heading: "You do have a right to an abortion, but you have to report the pregnancy within 48 hours, then be examined by two doctors, two Senators and the Speaker of the House."

(Her Say)--Abortion advocates won a victory last week in Italy when the Italian Chamber of Deputies voted to legalize abortion for the first time in the history of that Roman Catholic country..

Despite opposition from the Vatican and the ruling Christian Democratic Party, the Chamber voted 308 to 275 to pass a bill giving free state subsidized abortions to any woman over 18 who claims physical, psychological, social or economic reasons for the operation.

All abortions would have to be performed within the first 90 days of pregnancy, unless the pregnancy poses a serious mental or physical health hazard to the woman or child after the first three months.

The bill must now go before the Italian Senate before becoming law. The Senate last June defeated a similar abortion measure.

(Her Say)--A memo advising Congressional representatives who planned to accompany President Carter on his recent trip to Colorado to wear business suits, has drawn criticism from a lawmaker in Colorado.

Colorado's Representative Patricia Schroeder, reportedly complained to the House floor that she doesn't even own a business suit.

Sex and age references in definitions as well as in job titles have been eliminated from the new Dic. tionary of Occupational Titles, recently issued by the Department of Labor. The 1,400-page publication, which defines 20,000 jobs, replaces the sexist occupational title "draftsmen" with "drafter," for example.

The new edition is the first revision in 12 years, and includes 2,100 new titles identified since the 1965 edition. The additions reflect the changing sociology and technology of the times: listed are such occupations as "credit card clerk" and "photocomposition keyboard operator."

The dictionary is designed for use by commerce, industry and government, and gives up-to-date information on classification and definitions of job duties and requirements in the United States.

The publication is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, at $12 per copy.

The Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights (CLGR) urges all Catholics who support civil rights for lesbians and gay men to withhold contributions from the New York Roman Catholic Archdiocese's "Annual Appeal for Catholic Charities and Education". Father Leo M. Joseph suggests that people contribute directly to social service organizations or to a civil rights group. "Contributions to the Archdiocese support a major opponent of human rights," said Father Leo, a Eucharistic Catholic priest at the Church of the Beloved Disciple in Manhattan. The New York Archdiocese has devoted staff time, energy, and money to suppress a gay rights bill for several years. Diocesan publications have editorialized against gay rights bills and priests have denounced homosexuality from the pulpit.

The CLGR represents over 30 neighborhood, religious, political and cultural organizations endorsing civil rights for New York City's one million lesbians and gay men.

--Majority Report Feb. 18-March 3, 1978

Page 10/June, 1978/What She Wants

Self-Defense for Women

Every woman has the right and the need to defend herself. According to a recent study, almost half of the women who are assaulted do not offer resistance against their assailant at all. And yet of those who do resist (22%), many are able to get away.

Aš women build their confidence in themselves and their determination not to be victimized, they are much more likely to succeed in stopping an attack. Women are much stronger than they think they are. A quick, strong, self-confident response on the part of a woman who is being assaulted can make all the difference.

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center's Self-Defense Class for Women stresses defensive living and an awareness of one's surroundings. The moves are based on surprise, speed and smoothness. CRCC instructors teach women how to use their own bodies to defend themselves rather than relying on other weapons or devices which may not be there when they need them.

Probably the most important aspect of the class is

the confidence it can inspire in the women who take it. A woman who looks confident and is aware of herself and her environment is less likely to be assaulted than one who proceeds timidly in the role of the helpless female.

At the last session each woman breaks a board with her fist. Most people begin by thinking that they can't do it. But they can, you can, and it's a great feeling!

The next self-defense class to be offered by the Rape Crisis Center will be held in Cleveland Heights at St. Paul's Church at the corner of Fairmount and Coventry Roads. It will begin on Monday, June 5, at 7 p.m. The class will meet each of the four Mondays in June from 7 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Mail to: CRCC, 3201 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44115







Enclosed is $20 to hold my place in the class. I understand that the full amount will be refunded only if the class is cancelled, or if it already has reached maximum enrollment when my check is received.

Please notify me on any future classes.

Enclosed is 85¢ for one copy each of CRCC's Prevention pamphlet, and Fighting Back: A SelfDefense Handbook. Please send them to me.

Rape Crisis HOT LETTER

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center

3201 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland 44104 391-3912 (answered 24 hrs., 7 days)

Salute to Volunteers

To those who work at the Rape Crisis Center, sleepless nights are a common phenomenon along with frustration, anger and exhaustion.

It takes a special kind of sensitivity and energy to remain committed through the rewarding and difficult times. We would like to especially recognize those people who have continued working with us for a year or more.

One Year

Nancy B.


Laura D. Dolores D. Sally H. Alex H. Sophie K. Barbara Louise Don M.

Cynthia P. Gene R. Kathie S.

Cathy S. Rhonda W. Jean W. Marjorie W.

Two or More

Tina B. Anne B.

Gerry C.

Rose C.

Sandy C.

Jean F. Jean H.

Michael M.

Colin M. Ann M

Dottie P.

Linda R. Wenda S. Vera S. Maxine Y.

A victim once said, "During a crisis like this, the support means everything.”

By your presence here you have provided the community with knowledge, a new understanding and a voice for those who had been silenced.





Summer Training

The Rape Crisis Center will be conducting two training sessions this summer for advocates and other interested persons.

Mondays and Thursdays beginning June 12.

June 12 and 15

June 19 and 22

June 26 and 29


9:30 a.m. to noon

Beginning on June 25 CRCC will conduct a concentrated class for five consecutive nights. The sessions will be from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. from Sunday through Thursday, June 25 to June 29.

Anyone who would like to attend the training classes, call 391-3912.